8 results found
More options for Minimum scheduling notice
Minimum scheduling notice has only one setting of the number of hours in advance. We had our SDR meeting set at 2 hours notice, which works fine when it's working hours in Pacific Time, but not great when they get a meeting booked in the middle of the night for first thing in the morning based on their personal working hours.It would be great to have an option to set a "Working Hours Minimum Notice" and a "Non Working Hours Minimum Notice".For the time being, I've changed the Min Notice from 2hrs to 6hrs, which will reduce the # of…
50 votesSolved in ChiliCal - you have the option to customize the minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
Use Workspace Meeting Types in Multiple Meeting Type Booking Link
Having the ability to add Meeting Types created in Workspace to the multiple meeting types on booking link within My Workspace.
Currently, the team will need to clone/recreate the meeting type within Personal Workspace just to be able to add it into a multiple meeting type link. To increase adoption, not having the user create this will be very helpful.
12 votesAdmins can share scheduling links (with multiple meeting types) with their end users. Once shared, these links will appear in the end user's 'my app'. A screenshot is attached!
Meeting buffers in 5 minute intervals
Allow users to create meeting buffers within 5 minute intervals (ex. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes)
14 votesNew buffer times available in meeting types!
Update Time dynamic tag
The Time dynamic tag has rather odd formatting as [day of week], [month and date] | @ [time and timezone]. As is, it appears as an error in our system.
The "|" combined with the "@" is rather redundant and I believe the best way of handling it would be as "[day of week], [month and date] at [time and timezone]" instead.
1 voteThe time tag has been updated - please see the screenshot attached.
It is using the following format: Day, Date, Time, Timezone
Company name Form field
Add a form field for Company name that can have it's own dynamic tag the same way Full Name, First Name, Email do. This wouldn't require a connection to Sales Force to pull company name information but allow the guest to provide a company name and then you could include it in the event name or description
3 votesThis is now available in the Demand Conversion platform with the use of Data Fields - More information here
Extended Maximum Interval
The maximum that an event can be scheduled is 9 weeks in advance. We routinely need to schedule meeting 6 months in advance. Can this be extended?
2 votesThis is now extended in our meeting types on the Demand conversion platform. You can customize the number of weeks.
Pull custom SF fields into Meeting types and Reminders
Allow admins to specify which Salesforce fields are available to be added to Meeting types and reminders
1 voteYou can now create Data fields which map to your CRM fields and they can be pulled into reminders
Automatically pull in conferencing information into meeting types
It is very frustrating for customers to have to add dynamic tags for Zoom and such every time they want to create a new meeting type. This can be especially frustrating when trying to train new reps on Chili Piper. While the admin-created meeting types may have the correct tags, rep-created ones may not if they forget. It would remove a lot of confusion if there was an optional setting to apply automatically apply conferencing information to each meeting type. Calendly has this functionality I believe.
1 voteNow you just select your integration and the right details are added.
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