Show meeting name/title in Instant Booker view
Show the meeting titles/names in Instant Booker so you don't have to look in GCal or Outreach. This would be helpful for BDR's that are trying to schedule on behalf of an AE when the calendar is full and they need to see if there is a meeting type that they can book over.
This is available in ChiliCal Scheduler!
David Bulmer commented
Not having this feature was honestly almost a dealbreaker when assessing scheduling vendors. We want our SDs to live in the Instant Booker, but it's impossible for them to know what meetings they can book over and which ones they can't without opening up a new tab and looking at the AEs calendar. Our reps would feel way more confident in ChiliPiper if we were to push this feature into production! Very thankful for Robbie, Geno, and the CP product team for looking into this issue.