36 results found
More options for Minimum scheduling notice
Minimum scheduling notice has only one setting of the number of hours in advance. We had our SDR meeting set at 2 hours notice, which works fine when it's working hours in Pacific Time, but not great when they get a meeting booked in the middle of the night for first thing in the morning based on their personal working hours.It would be great to have an option to set a "Working Hours Minimum Notice" and a "Non Working Hours Minimum Notice".For the time being, I've changed the Min Notice from 2hrs to 6hrs, which will reduce the # of…
50 votesSolved in ChiliCal - you have the option to customize the minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
Ability to automatically send a follow-up email post meeting completion.
In addition to reminder emails BEFORE a meeting, ability to create email templates leveraging dynamic tags to go out AFTER a meeting is completed. For example, a thank-you email which includes attachments, or whitepapers, etc.
40 votesYou can send reminders after the meeting is finished! More details on this help article here.
Branding on personal links
Similar to adjusting branding colors on Suggested Times, it will be nice to be able to adjust branding on Personal booking links. This provides all links to have company branding, instead of Chili Piper branding.
19 votes -
Add the ability to ask questions when customers book you
I used to use Calendly and hands down the feature I miss the most is being able to ask the person booking the meeting questions about what they want to discuss. It helps me be that much more prepared for the meeting and honestly if my leadership asked me which tool I want to use, I would say I like Calendly better than ChiliPiper specifically for this reason.
14 votesThis can be done with forms connected to your meeting type!
Meeting buffers in 5 minute intervals
Allow users to create meeting buffers within 5 minute intervals (ex. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes)
14 votesNew buffer times available in meeting types!
Use Workspace Meeting Types in Multiple Meeting Type Booking Link
Having the ability to add Meeting Types created in Workspace to the multiple meeting types on booking link within My Workspace.
Currently, the team will need to clone/recreate the meeting type within Personal Workspace just to be able to add it into a multiple meeting type link. To increase adoption, not having the user create this will be very helpful.
12 votesAdmins can share scheduling links (with multiple meeting types) with their end users. Once shared, these links will appear in the end user's 'my app'. A screenshot is attached!
Distro - ability for Prospect to select "backup" assignee if not available
Give client ability to decide if they want to take a second assignee's availability into account when scheduling or just schedule with the primary assignee. This could be extremely helpful if an Prospect hits an Ownership queue but their assignee is OOO or on extended leave, we could allow a option to "view more availability" and the Chili Tenant could choose backup assignees or an alternative queue to route to. Potentially this could be applied to the scenario if we allowed customers to enable Strict RR in concierge but then "select additional availability" and route to new queue
11 votesThis has been released for Distro - more details here! You can continue to track this idea still for other Demand Conversion Platform Products here -https://suggest.chilipiper.com/forums/943972/suggestions/45229801
Duplicate Reminders
Have the ability to duplicate Reminders to reduce time to recreate. Our Reminders are very similar, just with different time variables, so this would save a lot of set up time.
10 votesYou have the ability to duplicate reminder in our DCP platform
Ability to control lead creation settings for personal meetings
Give settings on Personal Meeting types to create / not create lead. No option to turn off lead creation on personal meetings
6 votesThis is now available in User Controls with ChiliCal. See full details here!
Name group booking links
Allow users to name group booking links so we can easily distinguish the different links. We have a variety of booking links for a few combinations of the same meeting type. Ideally we should be able to name them so they don't all have the same name in the list. Or even be able to see the members of the link more easily.
6 votesHello! You can now name your group booking links and even update the URL. Here is a video.
see teammate booking links
Sometimes we want to offer or send a team mate's booking link to a colleague. There's no way for me to easily see their links. We created a separate spreadsheet internally.
5 votesNow available in the ChiliCal Chrome extension.
4 votes
Improvements were made to form concierge speed in the new demand conversion platform
Distribution - Capping
Cap # of records being assigned to a specific rep.
3 votesYou now have the option to cap the amount of records your users or teams can receive and setup Fallback owners!
More details here - https://help.chilipiper.com/hc/en-us/articles/29630951532947-Distro-Capping-and-Fallback-Owner-Features
Add Full Name options to Forms
The Default form has Full Name as an option. Should be allowed for other forms too.
3 votesFull Name can be added as a Data Field in the Demand Conversion Platform!
Company name Form field
Add a form field for Company name that can have it's own dynamic tag the same way Full Name, First Name, Email do. This wouldn't require a connection to Sales Force to pull company name information but allow the guest to provide a company name and then you could include it in the event name or description
3 votesThis is now available in the Demand Conversion platform with the use of Data Fields - More information here
If meeting is scheduled for Monday, capability to send Reminder Email on Friday
If someone schedules a meeting for a Monday, it would be nice to have the capability to send the reminders on the Friday before.
3 votesThis can be done in reminders advanced settings in ChiliCal
Embed booking links on Personal page
We were looking forward to "Personal Pages" but are not using them because the "book time with me" is an afterthought at the bottom of the page and looks similar to how ads look on a page. It would be great if we could embed the "Allow multiple meeting types on booking link" link on the personal page so that the descriptions were already embedded.
3 votesWe updated our personal page UX to ensure booking a meeting is not an afterthought :)
Manually send reminder
Allow a rep to send a manual reminder. There are times where it may be necessary to manually be able to send a reminder to specific clients to specify meeting details. having to go in and set up a specific time to send is more of a hassle than being able to simply click 'Send' on a reminder.
2 votesYou have the option to manually send a reminder in ChiliCal Home for any meetings booked using ChiliCal in the Demand Conversion Platform.
2 votes
Now have the ability to customize your booking pages with branding
Display all hosts on the calendar screen when using group booking links
We would like the ability to display all of the members of the meeting on the calendar screen when using group booking links. The calendar screen currently only show the organizer/main host of the meeting and on the confirmation screen shows everyone, which can confuse prospects.
2 votesYou can see everyone who will be in the group meeting in the top left side, screenshot is attached!
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