Ability to view all events occuring in the same time slot in Instant Booker
Currently the Instant Booker won't show the titles, or segments of all events that are booked at the same time slot. Instead, it will default to showing just one of the busy blocks and extending it down.Our team reserves slots on their calendar for "Orientation Calls". They are expected to book over that calendar slot. Orientation call slots are reserved so no student can book over them. The Orientation calls are also expected to last an hour so our business was running into issues where our coaches were not having enough availability. The orientation call slots protect the ability to schedule orientation calls.We need our agents to be able to see if an orientation call has already been booked on the reserved orientation time slot so they do not book the coach on two or more appointments in the same time slot.

Available using the ChiliCal Scheduler on the Demand Conversion Platform!