30 Day Calendar View
Currently, users/bookers are only able to view 7-days at a time, and in order to look at dates in the future, it requires too many clicks.
- i.e. if I want to book an event 3 weeks away, I'd have to click the "next arrow" 3 times and then find the date I need
Give users/bookers a rolling 30-day view of the calendar so they can easily click what day they want in that view.
- i.e. If today is April 13, and I want to book April 30, all I need to do is click on the "date" because of the "larger calendar view"
Kamran Shirani commented
Show multiple weeks on the booking page, rather than just the 1 week and having to scroll with arrows to browse other weeks.
Eliminating friction/barriers and ultimately amount of "Prospect did not book" instances by providing more availabilities (in the event of a full calendar).