Improved History and Distribution for Queues for Prospects Who Didn't Take Action
Currently there is no way in-app to track the distribution of leads via Queues for Prospects Who Didn't Take Action (aka DTA Queues). Additionally, current level and weighting does not apply to DTA Queues. For example, if a customer has 3 reps with weights of 100%, 100%, and 10% then DTA Queues will still distribute the leads evenly instead of following the set weights.
This is all visible in Distributions available in the Demand Conversion Platform.
Currently there is no in-app reporting for Queues for Prospects Who Didn't Take Action (aka DTA Queues). Being able to see reporting kind of like you currently can in Queue History would be very beneficial for customers. Currently the only way to report on this is via CRM reporting with the Booking Status field when it reads "Not Booked." However, for Salesforce customers "Not Booked" also includes any full disqualified prospects so it is not a full solution. Since DTA Queues function similarly to Distro, perhaps we could utilize similar reporting UI that we are already developing for Distro reporting.