Disqualified Tag
Similar to the No Show Button. Allow assignees to tag meetings as "Disqualified" for meetings our reps have that do not meet our criteria for an opportunity and credit them back a meeting. This would be extremely helpful for our users to give feedback to marketing and SDRs and eliminate us having to create an opportunity in Salesforce just to simply closed/lost it immediately. Would also allow us to see which meetings are "Good", no showed, cancelled, and "disqualified"

Tobias Arndt commented
Hi, we have the same issue as we have three cases that are impacting the pipeline of a Rep. One being no-shows, the other being cancellation and the third being disqualified demos.
For 1 and 2 we already have an automated calibration solution from Chilipiper, but for the third one we don't have a solution for now.
There is always the possibility that a demo is scheduled via CP but it turns out that the prospect is looking for something else, or is not checking off our Quali criteria.
This being said, I see two way to solve for this. Either we get a toggle like the "No Show" version for DQed demos, or an automatization is triggered when a deal is moved to Disqualified.
THis action should then calibrate the related queues in Chilipiper, so we ensure that all reps get the same pipeline quality.