Don't update Account or Contact Owner through QFPWDTA
There is a feature in QFPWDTA where the Account owner or the Contact owner is notified of the submission, even if the rep does not have a Chili Piper license. Even when an Ownership queue is not listed in DTA, the owner will still be notified.This is a breach of security as we should not be notifying anyone about Chili Piper data if the admin did not provide consent to notify the person who does not have a Chili Piper license. ---The functionality should be to notify the owner ONLY if the rep has a Chili Piper license AND is in an Ownership queue listed in DTA. Or we create an admin toggle that says, "allow all Account owners to be notified if the contact goes through QFWDTA?"
Solved with flow view in form concierge and customization of actions taken