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  1. Each time the round robin is reset, it starts over again from the top of this list of reps. This leads to reps at the bottom of the list often getting left out, an waiting all month / time period to be reached. It would be more fair if the round robin, even after being reset, would continue with the 'up next' rep in the list rather than bumping back up to the top.

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  2. Create a Double Round Robin option so that an AE can be paired with any SE on a call

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  3. I spend a lot of my advertising budget on Facebook lead ads, but if I sent them to a Chili Piper page after to book a meeting with my team, they have to fill out the form again. Would be great to be able to enable a prospect to book a meeting after converting from a Facebook lead ad.. ideally directly in Facebook but it could also work on a thank you page I redirect them to... would just need to pass thru the info they already submitted so they don't have to refill a form.

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  4. Ability for clients to set a variable # of days that if lead matches to owner but owner is not available for X number of days, move to route through other queues. This would solve for vacation or extended OOO without manual intervention from Chili Piper POC and prioritizing booking the meeting over waiting for an owner.

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    1 comment  ·  Form Router  ·  Admin →
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  5. Currently we use weights to try to ensure reps are load balanced from a schedule perspective, however, we've found this to be insufficient and end up needing to manually reassign meetings between reps. We'd love for Chili Piper to be able to automatically reassign meetings between a pool of reps as schedules firm up.

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  6. Search all open opportunities for a match to Queue criteria rather than just last modified.

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  7. Dramatic decrease in Chili Concierge volume should send warning to super admins that something may be wrong - otherwise, if you don't hear from your reps or look in reports regularly you could miss tons of opps if say, a website change was made, or an integration was deployed on your site that you didn't realize would affect Concierge, or some other random event. Would be superior if the "dramatic" criteria could be set by the customer - such as if we see X percent decrease in x amount of time, or if we go 1 hour with no leads…

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  8. Ability to read a time stamp in salesforce. For example 8:00 needs to be routed to an EST rep while 17:00 should be routed to PST rep

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  9. Be able to include one owner from X field in SF and another owner from Y field in SF on a meeting in a scalable way - ie, not by using a group booking queue.

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  10. Want ability to pause a rep in queues rather than individually remove from each queue. the main issue is with such a large sales org, there are a lot of instances where reps either forget to mark their calendars as OOO or unexpectedly have to go on leave, and the only solution for us is to completely take them out of each of the RR.

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  11. When working with 50+ queues due to large territories or broad teams/larger organizations, updating queues becomes a tedious and time-consuming task. It would be great if you could group queues together, and change a queue setting or add/remove a particular rule from the entire group at a time. Alternatively, you could select from a list of queues which to update, and trigger a mass update without a specific group defined.

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  12. Chili can detect when a rep is on vacation and not book meetings for them during that time, but that rep will still receive unbooked leads via the round robin. Ideally, someone on vacation wouldn't receive these either and the only way around this is to manually remove people from the queues.

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  13. Be able to query Salesforce based on Account Record Type when looking at ownership rules. For large companies with multiple account types only looking at 5 accounts isn't enough and the value will Chili Piper decreases over time as more accounts are added.

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  14. Currently, any manual calibrations made to a queue are not automatically reflected in other queues across a group. An admin must instead add/remove meetings to every queue in a group manually to keep them balanced.

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  15. A setting that automatically sends owned accounts to a different qualified rep, when the account owner is on vacation.

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  16. ability to choose from a range of intervals in which the Round-Robin algorithm resets itself from the Workspace Settings ie., 1, 3, & 6 month intervals. This is for quarterly and semi-annual reporting purposes on their end.

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  17. When the calendar loads after filling out the form of an Inbound Router through Concierge, we start the ownership update upon the lead creation at this moment for the rep the meeting will be booked with.
    However, if the prospect takes longer to book the meeting, they can be reassigned to a different rep through the QFPWDTA.
    The goal is that if the same queue is enabled on the Scheduling Queues and QFPWDTA, we should assign and distribute the lead/contact to the same rep.

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  18. It would be so helpful if we could see the kind of record Chili Piper is routing in the notification emails, maybe by including the name of the router responsible. We are using Chili Piper for a few different use cases, so being able to differentiate would be so helpful.

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  19. We did a demo of distro and my biggest takeaway was the SLA actions tool. We've been working on that in our org separately and the tool accomplishes a couple of things that would be useful on their own or tied to concierge as well. The time dependent actions can be really difficult to set up inside a CRM on its own and that would really simplify that process. Also being able to schedule slack reminders would be a huge benefit for everything we currently use.

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  20. We run into a common problem with very small queues (for example, our AE1s, of which we have <20) and during certain times of day (i.e., morning huddles or lunch periods) where the queue itself is devoid of "Available" reps. When this happens, we have a separate process we would like our SDRs to follow to find a warm body for the live transfer; however, in their haste, they often do not even notice that the queue is empty and suggesting an "Unavailable" AE -- and will pull them out of rotation when they cannot take the call. When this…

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